Is It Just Me?

Listen to Jim: or read on…




Is it just me, or did you notice this, too?

1.           An NPR interviewer asking an interviewee whether

he was filled with guiltiness.

2.           Representative Anthony Wiener saying, “We need

to look at the entire totality of the problem.”

3.           The movie theatre screen promo stating, “Concessions

are located in lobby.” (Kind of like saying, “The urinal is

located in the men’s room.”)

4.           The disembodied voice-mail lady saying, “You may hang

up when finished.”

5.           The large metal sign in the drive-through line at the Power

Company saying, “To provide faster service a bill stub will be

required at the drive thru beginning January 1, 1997,” which

means a lot if you’re still living in 1996.

6.           The customer mentioning his “sparodic activities.”

7.           A commentator reporting, “He was hung at midnight.” But

was he ever executed?

8.           The attorney actually labeling a crime as “HEE-nuss.”

9.           The transit system bus sign stating its destination as,

“17 Century Plaza.” Wow! Time machines DO exist!

10.   A customer saying, “His remarks were derogatary.”

OK, so maybe I listen too carefully. What have you heard today?

Being an editor can be hilarious

© 2011 A.D. by Jim Reed

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