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As the storms of Wednesday-last hover and sink deeply into our minds, it occurs

to me that, in the long run, we tend to rearrange our memories and allow them to fade.

To a storyteller, this is unacceptable behavior.The only plea a teller of true tales can make

that is worth making is, Please don’t let this happen. Write down/record each detail of your

experience, whether you were in the Eye or whether you escaped physically untouched. Fact

is, we were all touched, deeply and irrevocably. What matters now is to work these events

through the system, so that some degree of peace and closure and perspective can occur.


You are your own book, whether you know it or not, and now is the time to start transcribing

your life so that you and others can come to terms with the preamble, duration and aftermath

of what you have lived.

That’s why I do my 90-minute presentation, How to Become Your Own Book. It’s one way I have

of helping you get started–if you’re having trouble getting started.

How to Become Your Own Book. Next presentation: Wednesday, May 11, 6:30 till 8p.m. at the

Hoover Library. Free and sponsored by the Women’s Business Center. 


I like the slippery past of my mind.

May I explain?

As a village elder, I can tell you this for sure: memory improves with age.

Once I experience something, it remains indelible in my stockpiled recesses.

As I grow and gain wisdom and interpret those images a thousandfold, the

pixels increase in density and complexity and project a clearer, higher-definition


I’m not kidding!

By the time the brew ferments, maybe a month later, maybe half a century later,

it’s ready to share with others.

At that point, it is birthed as a fully-developed child in the latest story or column

that writes itself for me. It comes out unedited, unexpurgated, undiluted, and complete.

I don’t understand how this happens, but now that I’ve written more than 2,000 stories

and pieces of stories, and a dozen or so books, I’m pretty used to the process.

One litmus test is to allow the stories to leak out into the cosmos so that readers can

check them out, test the facts, critique the results. From them, I’ve learned that my mind,

as flaky as it outwardly appears, is actually a pretty good recorder of life.

At my age, I’m finally beginning to trust my writing instincts and storytelling skills.


So, How to Become Your Own Book is my gift to you. It’s for skilled writers who want

some jumpstarting…for beginning writers who want an emotional roadmap…for those

who don’t think they are writers but actually are.

You are now the writer. Keep me posted and let me know how things turn out.

Before my mind gets too slippery

© 2011 A.D. by Jim Reed

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