Listen to Jim’s 3-minute audio podcast:

or read his tale below…


When you are snug abed and attempting to sleep the nearly-longest night of the year…

When you begin to drift raftless through the years and years of holidays gone past, holidays gone dim, holidays occasionally bright and warm and layered with the carnival-design colors and trappings that kids love and cherish and hold their breaths over…

When you are in this special place invisible to all but you yourself…

I hope you will take a moment to remember the best Christmas or holiday you ever ever ever had…allow yourself to slip into it and dream the sweet sweet dreams of a four-year-old who just knows that every kindly fable and each and every sweet tale every adult ever told any kid is absolutely true and verifiable if just for that one moment when the tale is first told.

I hope this remembrance of times past brings a comfortable smile to your lips.

For one sweet moment, I hope you simply defy reality and become a safe, secure and happily sugarplummed child…

And try your best to recall YOU—the once and future real you—and how you once were and how you still are, somewhere deep deep deep down inside

© 2018 A.D. by Jim Reed

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