Hear Jim’s Red Clay diary: https://youtu.be/jLT44ssjn0Y

or read his transcript below:


I’m five years old when I become aware that my right hand has become invisible.

Here I am, back in childhood’s Tuscaloosa, living high, enjoying playtime and neighborhood play pals and imaginary adventures. Unaware that someday all this playground fun will be camouflaged by the duties and expectations of adult life.

Right now, I am small and full of curiosity and energy. No responsibilities beyond household chores. No worries, because parents will take care of me, parents will shoulder all the pain and duty.

My right hand is stuck deep inside a box of Cracker Jacks, my fingers wiggling about. Impatient, I want to dig down for the prize that I know is hiding beneath all those caramelized popped kernels. The prize comes first. Then the appreciation and examination of the prize.

My right hand appears again when I pull it out of the box, prizeless and covered with sticky. Dang! I rotate the box and dig in again, stopping first to eat the best part of a Cracker Jack box, the crunchy peanut that occasionally makes an appearance.

My finger touches something hard and metallic. Prize found! Treasure discovered! What will it be?

I slowly pull forth the unknown object of my obsession, popcorn scattering about me.

It is a small metal airplane, complete with propellers you can spin, complete with the permanence that only cast iron can provide. This aircraft will last a lifetime or two!

I sit on the bottom step of the front porch gazing at the day’s Cracker Jack prize that is now perched on my bare knee. I clutch the box to my tiny chest and slowly savor the crunchy goodies within. I look for a second peanut. This is a good day.

Will there ever again be such a wonderful day?

My imagination extends as far as my right hand. This is the best day of my life so far

©  by Jim Reed 2020 A.D.


 Weekly Podcast: REDCLAYDIARY




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