Catch Jim’s Red Clay Diary podcast on youtube: https://youtu.be/LbDUb4ROxso

or read his story below…

Life, Actually



A nomadic wanderer arrives, intent on acquiring authentic nostalgia that will later be affixed to the walls of a restaurant chain. She is happy with her trove.

A film director and crew spend the afternoon getting a scene just right in the small room where fantasy books reside. A talented actress and I get to repeat take after take until the filmmakers are satisfied. It is quite fun. Show biz.

An Oxford scholar visits and finds pleasure in the passel of C. S. Lewis books he can add to his collection. He, too, owns bookstores, and we carry on a conversation about nerdy things, bookie things, to our mutual satisfaction. He talks about Inklings, I talk about Bradburian lit.

A mischievous child finds the bookshop to be a playground. She meanders and pretends to be mute.

Bandanna head coverings mark the tribe of bikers who enjoy their visit and purchase a wide range of titles.

A favorite customer sports a cane and a ligament problem as he brings me up to date on a sci-fi series he’s following.

A retired librarian trades memories with me, recalls times when kids loved books and behaved in class and responded to her periodic SHUSH! And SSSSHHHH!

A WWII fan combs the wartime shelves and finds a classic or two.

A bookless patron cruises the aisles and looks puzzled when her companion finds excitement on the shelves.

One visitor wrings hands and explains how frustrating it is, trying to “get” friends and family to read good stuff.

A quick in-and-outer grabs a thriller, drops some cash, and heads bikeward to find lunch.

A quiet and furtive person whispers, “Where do you keep the occult books?”

A bright-eyed denizen looks me straight in the eye and begs me to recommend something really worthwhile. This, of course, gets me going…I do go on. Surprisingly, she takes my advice! Who knew?

I take a break in monitoring, sip a carbonated drink, breathe deeply, and prepare for the next thirty mini-adventures I will have before closing time.

I am happy to be so happy in my happy occupation


© 2021 by Jim Reed



Weekly Podcast: REDCLAYDIARY


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