Catch Jim’s Red Clay Diary here:
Life, actually…
Talk about hot and sweaty and sluggish. That’s what I am right now…in the 1950s un-air conditioned Down South high school library.
I am way back in time, a mere student hunched over a book, trying to wise up.
Well, I am actually attempting to gain some wisdom, wisdom that might transport me to cooler and safer climes.
The high school library is one escape hatch away from the thrills and terrors of teenage-ism.
While I extract would-be ideas from the likes of Socrates and Huxley and Bradbury, my tormentors sit two tables away, snorting and sharing smirky observations about everybody except themselves.
These bully-boys see the library as just another playground for their gags and taunts. I am one of their potential victims.
But never mind bullies and small-time despots. I know how to outsmart them. After all, I have my imaginary bookhouse, invisible to outsiders. I have my wise-guy smart-aleck remarks, designed to distract the simple-minded and make them roll on the floor laughing—forgetting their goal of stalking guys like me.
While the 50-minute-allotted period times out, I get in a few tidbits of solace from the volumes before me.
A startling thought appears in the middle of one page:

“Applicants for wisdom do what I have done: Inquire within.”
Heraclitus says this to me. I’ll have to find out who this Heraclitus was.
Right now I have more important things to consider. At least this ancient thinker makes me realize that it’s up to me to dig myself out of trouble. Nobody is going to rescue me.
When escape time arrives, I play one more trick on the dynamic duo. I stare past them at the half-open windows behind. I frown and fake fear. I cringe a bit.
Bullies one and two, themselves filled with nervous energy, turn to see what I am staring at, search the outdoor parking lot and greens for aliens or tornadoes or both.
While thus distracted, they fail to notice that I have evaporated into the milling hallways at just the right class-bell-ringing moment.
It will take them a couple of days to find me again. But by then I will have hatched yet another escape plan, with the help of Heraclitus.
I’ll be prepared, just one step ahead of certain doom
© Jim Reed 2023 A.D.

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