Life, actually…
- Never sniff your armpits in public.
- Never sniff other people’s armpits in public.
- Always wear shoes within Lego playrooms.
- Never say “No problem.” Ever.
- When you catch yourself frowning, smile broadly and hold on to it.
- Remember, when someone is railing on you it means they are in pain, pain that you cannot readily identify. Don’t tell them you know they are in pain. Just listen intensely.
- Come to a full stop at all stop signs. Assume that a law enforcement official is watching. Use wisely the time and money you save.
- Limit yourself to two daily whines.
- Never stare at cleavage.
- Always say Good Morning or G’day.
- Hold open the door for the person behind you. Don’t expect thanks but appreciate it when it happens.
- Always thank the person who holds the door for you.
- Leave the seat and lid down. Always.
- When entering someone’s kitchen always ask, “How can I help?”
- Dance first with the most ignored person in the room.
- Never say “No thanks, I don’t drink,” when offered a drink. Simply smile and say “No thanks.”
- Don’t proclaim that you are on a diet. Simply don’t eat what you do not wish to eat.
- When trapped in an offensive political conversation back away and say, “Got to leave. I left my baby on the bus,” or something equally improvised. Do your part to avoid escalation.
- If someone hands you a drink without asking, accept it. You can politely hold onto it without drinking.
- Never assume you know the gender of a stranger. Pick your words carefully and politely.
- Check the burners when you close the kitchen for the day. Always.
- Tip generously except when asked for a tip.
- When racing to a meeting or rendezvous always allot getting-lost time.
- Show up two minutes early. Every time. Those who are tardy do not get fruit cup.
- Ask permission before examining someone’s tattoo or tee-shirt slogan.
- Do not tap dance on shag carpeting.
- Don’t tiptoe in high heels.
- Proudly say “It’s a pleasure for you to meet me,” for the 864th time. Everyone else lost count long ago.
- Ask permission prior to hugging.
- Do not mock or tease others’ flatulence. Your turn will come.
- Do not honk. The life you save may be yours.
- Smile and wave. It counts.
- Suppress your belch.
- Behave as if you are being filmed and recorded.
- Don’t roll your eyes. People can hear.
- Allow your good feelings to emerge. Make them show.
- Crank down your cranky.
- Leave a good impression. People remember how you make them feel.
- Only use four-letter words that do no harm, such as grin, help, love, give, heal, hold, save, ease, boon, play, kiss, nice, earn…
- Notice who you hang out with. First-class people associate with first-class people. Second-class people associate with third-class people.
- Do nice unto others as you would have them do nice unto you.
- Pay attention to paranoid people. Sometimes the sky really is falling.
These 42 ideas get me through the day. What gets you through the day?
I hope you have the greatest of all possible days
© Jim Reed 2022 A.D.
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