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Questions are more important than answers, since we can never be quite sure whether any answer is the right answer. Here are some questions to ponder:
Can Peeps feel pain? I’m gobbling up (sorry—the chicken joke is already becoming a turkey) several little yellow spongy critters in honor of my secular Easter Day celebration. Yum!
Which statement is an exaggeration? 1. I always exaggerate. 2. I never exaggerate. (Any existentialist will smirk at your answer.)
Just who is Les Miserables and why did they write a book about him?
If your pet dog is named Gingerly, wouldn’t you just hate it each time your neighbors said, “I see Fred is walking Gingerly these days.”?
When people say they are getting their affairs in order, isn’t this an incomplete sentence? (What about: “I’m getting my affairs, in order to enjoy myself more.”)
If your car’s nickname is Sentimental, wouldn’t you feel self-conscious, waxing Sentimental?
Which sounds more menacing? 1. A time capsule 2. A timed capsule
How big is ample room?
Where did I see this sign posted last Saturday? NO PROBATION OR PAROLE PARKING!
Are there times when you can be wishy but not washy?
Would a sarcastic old-time golf pro be called Sam Snide?
Do you know a literary carpenter called James Joist?
Would this be a great name for a string-bikinied exotic dancer? Fanny Floss
Would a jaded prima donna be rightfully called Maria Callous?
Is it more prestigious to be cited or sighted?
Is it high time we re-invented the wheel?
Do you think it’s time I placed my brain on hold
(c) 2010 A.D. by Jim Reed