The Accidental Universe inhabited by yours truly is a constant source of laughter and tears—then, more laughter.
Where else but here would you find such an eclectic and confusing array of philosophies and causes and anti-causes, such a head-spinning conglomeration of convoluted ideas and baseless opinions combined with precious moments of wisdom that are later twisted into their opposites by contrarians and cynics and pundits?
It’s a funny cosmos, a funny Earth, a funny melting pot of us suspiring beings who are just off-kilter enough to believe we are special or superior to everything and everybody else.
We are the Dreaming Animal, the being who believes that just because you feel something strongly, it must be true, it must exist, it must be the Only Way.
That’s what makes us funny. Flip a celestial coin and you are suddenly born an unreconstructed hippie in post-beat San Francisco…flip again and you incarnate as a peasant on a desert island…flip once more and you are who you are right now, right here.
Is the Universe a game played with loaded dice? And why do I, the Dreaming Animal, even conjure up such a notion, when I could be using my time more productively watching zombie housewife television or mindlessly thumbing texted messages to imaginary friends or twiddling my mantra in a secluded cave?
Send the answers to these and other questions to me, the post-Andy Rooney embodiment of benevolent geezerhood, who just wants to observe the enlightenment in your eye as you peruse the contents of my Museum of Fond Memories and the wonderful array of overlapping time machine artifacts it displays for the pleasure of all Dreaming Animals who wander in
(c) 2011 A.D. by Jim Reed

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