Things I Could Do With and Without

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Things I Could Do With and Without

I hope to spend the rest of my days never knowing what Powerball is.

If I never understand golf, I’ll remain ecstatically happy.

Deliver me from knowing what an app is or does.

I hope never to learn how to text messages.

I long for a phone that does not require passwords and codes. I just want it to ring. I want to lift the receiver and say Hello and immediately have a high-fidelity conversation without pauses and echoes and overlaps and drops and distortion. And I’d like the phone to have a cord attached to a wall, so that I can always find it.

Is this too much to ask?

In this newest of all New Years, there are hundreds of things for which I long…hundreds of things that will never come to pass. But what the hey, I can long all I want to, because it is my life we’re talking about here.

I long for the world to have one long day of peace—no murders, no wars, no accidents, no grudge matches, no snarky, angry, baseless remarks on social media, no racist or bigoted diatribes, no proselytizing on behalf of belief systems or anti-belief systems, no terminal illnesses, no molestations, no soulless overlords, no torture or bullying or taunting, no hunger…

Well, I do go on, don’t I?

Maybe the world will never achieve this mythical stasis. Maybe nobody anywhere is in the mood to risk feeling good and hopeful for a 24-hour period. Perhaps dreamers and philosophers such as I are few and scattered and basically useless. Maybe all I can hope for is a little bit here, a little bit there…a dab of hope, a smattering of joy, a pinch of goodwill, a thimbleful of love, a modicum of kindness, a heap of laughter. A tasty recipe only to be entertained by optimists and visionaries and just plain nice people.

Wonder what this might taste like, once blended and baked and garnished?

Make one up and send me a care package. I’d love to ingest some unconditional caring from friends and strangers alike


© Jim Reed 2016 A.D.

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