Life, actually…a tribute to all shopkeepers…
What it takes to land a human on the surface of a bookstore aisle…
Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five four, three, two, one…opening wide the big wooden  door…
Time to be about my Father’s business…my father, who worked hard for modest pay but loved working, just as I do…
Time to entertain…
Time to make some friends…
Time to face at least whatever occurs…
Time to say I dunno whether we have a copy of that, but let’s look…
Time to say Yes, we always have copies of that one…
Time to say I just sold my last copy but another is on its way…
Time to direct someone to the restroom…
Time to re-shelve books lying about after customer shuffling…
Time to reply to someone who says I’m just perusing…
Time to make a corny joke, You can peruse AND look around, too…
Time to see whether my jokes improve or decline with the aging of the day…
And so on and so forth…
During a moment between shoppers, the letter carrier arrives…
Hello, she says. Good morning, I say. Is it quiet out on the streets? So far, she says. Let’s hope for more of that quiet, I say. Good idea, but I wouldn’t bank on it, she says, a philosophical smile in her voice…
Her departure brings back the quiet…
Miles Davis’ horn accompanies the silence, broken only by the shelving sounds of books sliding securely between books…
Wow! Look at this, an arriving newcomer exclaims, as he stares up and around in awe of the shop’s variety…
His sense of excitement and discovery invigorates me…
I prepare to do this most satisfying of jobs for the next seven hours…
Even when I’m not at home, being at the bookstore feels like home
© Jim Reed 2022 A.D.

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