See How Beautiful This Is?

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The Museum of Fond Memories at Reed Books is not quite what you’d expect. The shop stocks everything your mother and grandmother threw away…but at the same time, the shop is everything your mother and grandmother wished a real museum would be.


May I explain?


From my mother, I received the gift of noticing. Sometimes the gift was a bane, but put to good use, it turned out to be life-affirming and motivating—you know, the kind of motivation it takes to get up in the morning and find hope awaiting.


Wherever my mother journeyed, she always reached out to her surroundings in order to experience them as completely as possible. Passing a fencepost or garden or a lost child, she would stop to find out what was what. She touched the fencepost to feel its texture and temperature, she touched the plants to draw nutrients from their essence, she spoke to the child to see how she could make it found again.


At museums, Mother’s proclivity for touching was forbidden. She didn’t want merely to see and smell and exalt, she wanted to reach out and touch everything on display. Security guards had to watch her closely, and we had to remind her that touching art and artifact was frowned upon.


So, many years later, in honor of Mother, I put together the first vestiges of the Museum of Fond Memories at Reed Books. I dreamed of a museum that provides two services most all museums forbid. In my museum, you are encouraged to touch what you see. In my museum, you can actually purchase what you crave and take it home with you.


No virtual museum for my customers…no hands-off museum for my customers. This is a place my mother would have loved.


This is a place where all Mother’s aesthetic clones in the world are free to enter, touch, appreciate, purchase and adopt what their wishes dictate.


Does this resonate with you? Does it help you understand why my museum is what it is?


If you’re a dreamer and toucher and adopter, you are welcome to my sanctuary.


Come see what it’s like to feel a museum of fond memories


© 2011 A.D. by Jim Reed

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