Hear Jim’s 3-minute audio podcast:

or read forth…


Way back in golden days of yore, we who populate this particular species would make what we still call New Year’s Resolutions.

Some of us still do this. I list the things I want to change in my daily life, then proceed with the difficult task of living up to those aspirations.

It seldom takes much time for me to own up to the horrifying fact that changing myself for the better will require…Effort.



If I want to decrease my dietary intake and acquire a sleek body, why can’t I just push a button, employ an app or take a pill?

Effort is so…efforty.

Making a New Year’s Resolution always ends in the same dead-end manner. I slowly sink back into the morass of habit and sloth and narcissism and comfort that has always misdirected my Activities of Daily Living.

It is with ease that I resume being whoever it is that I am. My resolve quietly evaporates.

A month from now, I will awaken to the fact that once upon a time, just days ago, I resolved to be a better, healthier, nice person…and thus be adored even more by family and associates.

Now I will have to face the fact that Things are as they are and have been and will be.

As Popeye reminds me, I yam what I yam and that’s what I yam.

Whatever it is that I am today and down all the upcoming days is what I will continue to deal with.

Folks who like me the way I am have no outward complaints.

Folks who wish I would change for the better just throw up their hands and decide whether to accept me or obfuscate the memory of me.

Folks who accept me as the me they will always know will be polite enough to continue humoring me and dealing with me.

How dare I ask for more?

On my best days I am rather jolly and energetic and bedecked with goodwill toward other folks of goodwill. On my bad days, I just stuff it and present my best side to you, because why would I be so selfish as to visit my mood upon you?

Probably the best I can do.

Maybe I should at least try.

Here’s a possible Resolution to experiment with:

I’ll try to understand you as who you are. And if you try to understand me as who I am, things might be hunky-dory for a while.

String enough of those whiles together and you and I can come up with a pretty good life and a bunch of hunky-dories to share.

Happy Every Day of Your Life, Y’all

© 2018 A.D. by Jim Reed

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Listen to Jim’s 3-minute audio podcast:

or read his true Christmas story below:


One of my favorite true Christmas stories came to me from a friend, the late Belle Stoddard.

Here’s how it goes:

When Gedney Howe was a little boy, his favorite companion was an elderly neighbor everybody simply called, “Frasier.”

Frasier loved Gedney and was often making toys for him or giving him other presents.

One day, Frasier proudly presented Gedney with a beautiful, most unusual type of seashell.

Everyone was impressed, especially the child. Gedney’s grandfather, Chief, recognized the shell as one that could be found only on Edisto Island, a very long way from where they lived in Charleston.

Chief asked, “Why, Frasier, however did you find this here in town?”

Frasier patiently explained that he had not gotten the shell in town. He had found it on the island. Back then, there was little private–and no public–transportation available.

Chief asked whether Frasier had caught a ride.

“No, sir, I walked all the way and back.”

Chief exclaimed, in amazement, “Why that must’ve been fifty miles.”

“Well,” Frasier said, “I caught a ride part way, but the long walk was part of the gift.”


This is the kind of story that sticks with me and re-surfaces every Christmas.

I suppose it resonates because my mother always monitored my attitudes about giving and receiving. She made sure we kids understood that the act of giving, the effort and care expended in gift-searching, gift-wrapping, gift-offering, were all part and parcel of the gift itself.

Mom had no tolerance for anyone who complained about the quality or price or brand-name or appropriateness of a gift received.

To this day, each time I am presented a gift, I hesitate before removing the wrapping. I re-imagine Mother’s lesson about gifts, Frasier’s lesson about gifts.

I try to imagine what must have gone through the mind of the giver. I try to appreciate the fact that receiving a gift at all is somewhat miraculous, considering all the people in all the world who are not being remembered and gifted this Christmas.

In the altar of my mind, I hold the unopened gift up to the beaming faces of Santa and Mother and Frasier and everybody else who remembers with love somebody besides themselves on special occasions.

Then, all ceremony aside, I return to earth and tear into the package, looking for the object that represents the gift-giver’s kindness and generosity.

And here’s my gift to you:

Have yourself a merry little Christmas


© 2018 A.D. by Jim Reed

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Listen to Jim’s 3-minute audio podcast:

or read his tale below…


When you are snug abed and attempting to sleep the nearly-longest night of the year…

When you begin to drift raftless through the years and years of holidays gone past, holidays gone dim, holidays occasionally bright and warm and layered with the carnival-design colors and trappings that kids love and cherish and hold their breaths over…

When you are in this special place invisible to all but you yourself…

I hope you will take a moment to remember the best Christmas or holiday you ever ever ever had…allow yourself to slip into it and dream the sweet sweet dreams of a four-year-old who just knows that every kindly fable and each and every sweet tale every adult ever told any kid is absolutely true and verifiable if just for that one moment when the tale is first told.

I hope this remembrance of times past brings a comfortable smile to your lips.

For one sweet moment, I hope you simply defy reality and become a safe, secure and happily sugarplummed child…

And try your best to recall YOU—the once and future real you—and how you once were and how you still are, somewhere deep deep deep down inside

© 2018 A.D. by Jim Reed

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Listen to Jim’s 3-minute audio podcast:

or read his tale below…


“Bless your heart,” somebody just pronounced, at the vacated table. The eatery is bustling with noisy diners, and a rather rowdy bunch is waiting for the bussers and servers to clear the surface, or at least redistribute the grease evenly so that the source of subsequent sepsis cannot be traced.

The Bless Your Heart employee is addressing the grand tip of four quarters the previous gluttoneers set adrift on the placemat. She is not amused.

The Bless Your Heart muttering is a form of automatic censure. This longtime denizen of chaotic kitchens and foot-bruising tiled floors and bossy bosses and entitled customers knows how to suppress what she really wants to say until she can grab a smoke next to the dumpster out back. The words will not be as pretty as Bless Your Heart, but they will be honest and direct and heartfelt and delivered in philosophical resignation.

Later in the long shift, at clock out time, the Bless Your Heart woman will stop by Dollar Tree and pick up a few Christmas trinkets to the tune of at least twenty-four quarter tips, wend her way home to her basement apartment that sports a wreath-decked front door and, within, a small musical Christmas Tree with twinkling lights.

She slides the chain lock in place, groans a bit during shoe removal, slips into a so-soft robe, examines the contents of a refrigerator that holds no surprises, retrieves half a quart of eggnog, then sits lengthways on a caressing sofa, takes a sip while regarding the twinkling tree, looks forward to turning the Dollar Tree bag contents into something that will make her lone grandchild smile and laugh and clap her hands in love.

The cares of the day loosen their hold, the memories of childhood Christmases loom sweetly, the echoes of distant family and friends diminish, and for just a moment, just a moment, the world takes time to bless her heart

© 2018 A.D. by Jim Reed

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Listen to Jim’s 3-minute audio podcast:

or read his story below…


Join me in my travels, back to yesteryear, when the world was just a dreamy landscape existing solely for the purposes of childhood…

When you believe something so strongly, so unrelentingly, so innocently, that your behavior defies all logic, all convention, all common sense, all cynicism…when you really truly believe something, then you have the gift of purity that can only be defiled by an unkind word a thoughtless gesture or one moment of insensitivity.

Remember when you believed so deeply in Santa Claus that you would confide only in him—in him only—your innermost desires?

Remember when you believed so deeply in the omnipotence and honesty of Santa that not only did you confide in him your wishes, but you at the same time, honoring the magic secret between yourself and the old elf, would not, dared not, could not, tell anyone else your secret—not even your parents?

Remember what it was like to keep such a tightly held secret so pure that, because your parents did not know what you and Santa had discussed, you therefore did not receive on Christmas morn the gift you wanted?

Remember how you never blamed Santa Claus for not bringing the gift you desired, since Santa did, after all, tell you that he’d try his best but couldn’t promise? You looked the other way on behalf of Santa because he was sacred, he was honest, he bore no grudges, he did no evil, he was, you know, Santa Claus, after all.

How long has it been since you believed in something that powerfully? And isn’t it amazing that because you held those beliefs as a child, Santa still has some power over you?

All logic, all evidence aside, you still want to believe in Santa Claus and the idea of Santa Claus…and somewhere deep deep inside you, don’t you think you do still believe in him?

Because if you ever stopped believing in such wonderful ideas, wouldn’t the world do its final bit of perishing in the heart, and wouldn’t the world just be another planet in the technical and mathematical universe, bereft of all soul and heart and sincerity and just full of cold debris and detritus floating around with no particular purpose?

Santa is the glue of the hopeful universe—Santa and his counterparts deep in the beings of children since time began

© 2018 A.D. by Jim Reed

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