Listen to Jim’s blog:

or read his memories below:


 On this particular day of hotness and elevated humidity, the driver of the westbound automobile dares to do something different. Obviating the dry coolness issuing forth from her air conditioner, she grasps the plastic knob of the anodized door handle and cranks it counter-clockwise. The window descends, massive heat rolls in.

Then, the driver extends her left arm into the sunny morning, right-angles her elbow so that extended fingers point skyward, and prepares for the right turn she intends to execute a few feet ahead.

Just a few yards behind her rear bumper is the front bumper of my vehicle, and behind that bumper is driver number two—me.

I am awed by this small vision, a vision of someone out of the past navigating the modern streets of Birmingham as if the previous fifty years have evaporated. The car is old and iron-solid, blinkerless and weighted down by time.

The woman ahead of me is neatly coiffed and Sunday-school-tailored. She seems to exist in her own orderly time zone, reminding me of earlier days when all drivers were required to provide solid and accurate hand signals so that tailgaters would know well in advance that a slow turn is in the offing.

This time traveler ahead of me triggers other memories I will have to deal with in future red clay diary entries…just to settle them back into place in extensive and dusty files.

Memories of helping my mother hang soggy fresh-washed garments on our backyard clothesline. Flashbacks of incredibly sweaty afternoons penduluming a swing blade to control the advance of tall weeds. Learning how to avoid stripping gears while attempting to navigate a stick shift VW Beetle.

Watching my aunts carefully flatten and wash aluminum foil so that it can be re-used—Waste Not being the operative term. Saving canceled bank checks so that they can be employed as play money in imaginary games and used as notepaper for grocery lists. Wiping dry dinner plates one by one as they are hand washed.

The careful practice of slow-dialing a heavy black telephone after making sure the party line is not in use. Opening a massive dictionary and experiencing the texture and sound of turning pages, then moving fingers down columns to find how many definitions apply to each and every entry. Picking a delicate dandelion and slowly blowing its fluffy seeds into the childhood air.

The Sunday school hand-signal woman disappears to the right, my memories are interrupted by speeding hornblowers and orange construction cones, daytime redefines itself so that I am back to Now, the hustle emerges, the step-by-step responsibilities of life intrude and brush aside all but the next thing and the next thing after the next thing


© Jim Reed 2018 A.D.



Quietly staring into space can get me into all sorts of situations, both sticky and problematic.

Indeed, calmly staring into space can transport me into the Wonderlands hidden away in my mind, can open me up to thoughts I never knew were lurking.

That’s why my pockets are filled with thoughts jotted down in haste–just in case I wish to retrieve them later.

Casting about car seat, sofa, ottoman, notebook, back pocket, desk drawer…casting here and there…I come up with a stack of inspirations, insights, nutty ideas, memories worth noting–ideas penciled and penned upon sticky notes, napkins, blank margins of torn newspapers, little spiral memo pads, backs of business cards, printer sheets…

Just for fun, just for reconciliation with my little Cosmos, I’d like to share a random sampling with you. Got a minute?


From Carl Sandburg:

“I’m an optimist. I don’t know where I’m going, but I’m on my way.” 


From braindroppings of Jim Reed:


“Filling time is about all we do, whether or not we actually do anything.”

 ”Time is ephemeral but strangely real–no other unit of measure makes as much sense.”
“One task of the writer is to record all the disappearing reference points.”
“I seem to be the last Me standing.”
“As I have traversed all these years, with myself as traveling companion, having never deserted Me, isn’t it about time I made friends with Me?”
“How many years will it take for you to become the person you always were?”
“I can’t get very far without my body.”
“What it is possible for me to become is beneath my hopes.”
“I seem to rely upon other people to make me feel bad. Why can’t I just feel bad on my own?”
“I believe in special moments and the disconnected interstices that come between them.”
“The flash of inspiration is the only truth, the only beauty, worth recording.”
“To pay appropriate homage to life it is important to thank Goodness whenever possible. Thank Goodness!”
And here’s one from a couple of thousand years ago:
“If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.” –Lao Tzu
There, there. Was that so painful? Thanks for looking over these random thoughts of harmlessness.
Now, go forth and jot down those oodles of epiphanies that course through you.
To get through the miasma of our days, we need all the inspiration we can possibly muster