Hear Jim’s 3-minute podcast on youtube:  https://youtu.be/hqSLStgRM84

or read the transcript below:


Life, actually…




“Once more, I yearn to be kind and young and sweet and dancing on air.

Just once more.”


An octogenarian author adds this quote to his current manuscript. He’s about to publish a new book. It is strange to contemplate the quote, since he does not know how it happened.


A second quote issues forth:


“Ever notice how you don’t know for sure until you know for sure?”


Is this profound or just plain silly? Again, the author has no way of knowing.


Like many writers, he has learned to let it all rain down. He has learned to regard every single thought as special and unique. He has learned not to discard or judge each thought himself. He has learned to allow readers to make their own judgements as to whether these thoughts should endure. He must await the reactions of readers. All ego must be put aside.


The reader knows.


The author abides.


The manuscript is about to become a book, the book is about to be opened, the reader is about to laugh or weep or grimace, depending on which page is turned.


Over a fifty-year period, the author has squirreled away hundreds of thoughts on scraps of paper. He knows that each thought has to be marinated and aged until it takes on meaning and depth.


No joke.


It is difficult to explain this writing technique, but it works for this particular author during this particular lifetime, and that is all he needs to know.


So, the octogenarian author plies his trade, prepares his manuscript, takes final notes on original and puzzling thoughts that flail about for years before explaining themselves.


The author activates the spigot. The reader drinks and judges. The verdict  soon animates itself


© 2024 A.D. by Jim Reed



Listen to Jim’s podcast: http://redclaydiary.com/mp3/writersblocksnowglobe.mp3


or read his story below:


Life, actually…




Writers, authors, tellers of stories, poets, purveyors of enhanced realities, composers of  realistic mythologies…we all have one thing in common. The prospect of coming down with something called Writer’s Block.


Some of us could use a dose of Writer’s Block. These folks suffer from Multisyllabic Reflux, the inability to hush up and pay attention to the silences and pauses between thoughts.  They just can’t stop themselves from unedited wordflow.


Others freeze up when it comes time to utter or compose or write or in some way begin a story. They await a miracle or an inspiration or a Voice.


In my own case, I do not have Writer’s Block. My stories never seem to end, always appear to be waiting to pounce onto the keyboard or sheet of paper. Because of this, I have to be careful which tales are ready to be shared, which need to age first, which would be interesting to anybody outside of Me. And that, I do not always know.


So I suppose that editing and vetting become most useful skills. The story is there, now I just have to shape and guide it into the appropriate format.


I’m at the checkout counter in a Dollar General Store in a nearby rural county. I ask, “Could you direct me to the Kleenex?” The nicely-dressed elderly clerk replies, “Peanuts in the can?”


“Uh, no…”  I begin.


“Oh, you want them in the bags?”


“Er, I don’t think they come in bags.” Now I realize she may have a hearing problem. How to communicate?


“Kleenex, you know, like, tissue (I point to my nose).”


“Oh, yeah,” she realizes what I want. “Well, I don’t know…” She looks over at the tall booth where an employee is bent down to her paperwork, oblivious of all store activity but listening intently to any words floating in the air.


“Dorothy, do you know?”  Dorothy just shrugs and continues looking down at whatever she’s doing in the manager’s high castle.


I smile and motion to the clerk not to worry, then wander off to find some aisle that looks like Kleenexville. I eventually stumble upon facial tissues and fail to find them in either bag or can.


I take my box to the lady at the counter and find that she knows how to make change backwards and aloud, the way they used to make change way back when. I bask in this experience because it reminds me that my mother also knew how to make change from her clerking days at F.W. Woolworth and R.L. McGee General Merchandise.


I tote my flimsy white plastic bag to the exit door, wishing the clerk a happy day and a good life. She doesn’t catch the last part, but I carry her smile with me.


And that’s my little story. There, that wasn’t so bad, was it?


By now you may be grumbling, “Well, he may not have Writer’s Block, but I do, and this anecdote doesn’t help me at all.”


May I say this about that?


All I did in telling my story was shake the Writer’s Block Snow Globe a bit. Whenever things settle down and verge on stagnation, I pick up the globe, shake it, watch how its contents flutter and swirl and settle down into entirely new configurations. Then, like reading tea leaves, I gaze intensely and imagine what’s under those flakes, what secrets are awaiting revelation, what joys and horrors are ready to spring.


And out comes a story. I don’t have to make anything up. Life is brimful of so many lost moments that I can merely reach my hand into the miasma and come up with a gem not of my own making. As a writer, all I have to do is pass this gem on to anybody who cares to read these words.


Too simple, too easy, you say.


Well, it only took me several decades to discover this secret, so it may take you a while, too. Once you establish the rhythm of the snow globe routine, you might have an aha! moment. Or not. But in your search for the right ritual you could stumble upon your own method.


At least I caused you to consider it


© 2024 A.D. by Jim Reed





Listen to Jim’s podcast:


or read his story below:

Life, actually…




“To laugh is to awaken.” –H.G. Wells


Dear sad and morose denizen of the harried universe,


What can I do to make you snap out of your gloom for a moment and unaccountably chuckle?


As a jester, there is not much I can accomplish in terms of changing the world or making it a better place for you. I simply don’t have the skills to shift the global axis and bid cool breezes to cross your wrinkled brow.


When I laugh, I’m not laughing at you, I’m laughing with you. More accurately, I’m not laughing at you or with you, I’m instead laughing FOR you.


If you have trouble finding a shard of Funny during your inexplicably unpredictable journey through life, then maybe we jesters can give you a break, cut you some slack, grant you a reprieve…just by making you laugh despite yourself.


Innocent laughter is like an inexpensive bout of shock therapy. When something suddenly causes you to put on hold all despair and simply laugh out loud for reasons you cannot explain, then you’ve just experienced free treatment, no co-pay required, no appointment necessary, no distracted medical tech poking at your privates.


A good laugh at the most dismal of times can, now and then, derail you and cause you to see past the bleakness, disregard whatever up till that moment seemed utterly undisregardable.


Kind of like thinking you are streaming War and Peace but suddenly finding yourself viewing Ferris Bueller’s Day Off for the umpteenth time.


The jesters among us help us through the gloom. That’s what they are for. Laurel and Hardy and Belushi and Pee Wee and Abbott and Costello and Murray and Carlin and Pryor and Hope and Crosby and Silverman and Argus and Diller and the Bennys Hill and Jack, and Carson and Barney Fife and Lucy and on and on and on. These jesters have a purpose. They are not to be taken lightly.


Our jesters bring us up and out of the grind and show us how to find the ponies hidden beneath the spangled saddles.


So, if we are able to spend some time now and then in mindless mirth, we might just barely reduce the temperature of the seething planet.


We just might barely find solace long enough to form a plan of prankster battle against the grumpies surrounding us


© 2024 A.D. by Jim Reed



Hear Jim’s 4-minute true story on Youtube: https://youtu.be/lgaLVjL6bh0

or read the diary below:


Life, actually…




One entry from my lifelong Red Clay Diary. A mere 35 years ago…


That dreaded letter arrives this morning, the one that forces me to take sudden stock of the past three decades and wax nostalgic with grins and grimaces.


I hoped it would never come, but out of sheer curiosity I open it. The letter bearing news of my HIGH SCHOOL REUNION.


Not just any high school reunion, but the 30th high school reunion, the one at which I will definitely begin to see signs of character on the faces of cohorts I felt would never develop any.


Ten years ago, at the 20th reunion, most of us approaching-middle-aged teenagers were still in the throes of having kids and divorces and mid-life crises and couldn’t take much time to look around and philosophize and get thoroughly wistful or downright depressed.


This time around, many of us will have given up the strong grip on ego and try to feel at ease with the fact that we are all beginning to look like our parents.


We won’t be able to hide the wrinkles or the facelifts, the scars or the toupees, the stretch-marks or the trifocals.


Much as we will try to suck in the old gut and walk macho or sexy, our arch supports and orthopedic underpants will give us away, and we’ll suddenly begin to realize that we’re all going rapidly toward a new level of aging and life-assessment, wondering whether we’ve spent nearly half a century building for a grand future or merely re-arranging the deck chairs.


Wonder how many pounds will be shed between now and when this celebratory dirge takes place?


How many suntans will suddenly appear on pale saggy skin?


How many dollars will be spent on new clothing?


How much fantasizing will be done about ol’ what’s-her-name on whom I had a crush but never the courage to say it aloud?


And how many will decide not to attend for fear of being seen as they are?


I’d prefer to be invisible and attend, because I could make wry observations about everybody without having anybody make the same about me.


But I guess I’ll go and try to be brave and look upon this reunion as a learning experience and something to tell you about.




Now, yet another letter has arrived in my life, the letter that announces the 65th (count ‘em–65!) high school reunion next week.




I grin and bear it, this news of advanced aging, advancing life, because at last all pomposity has been spent. Now I can attend and see all my remaining classmates as mirror images of myself. There’s nothing to hide anymore, since defenses and denials no longer seem to work.


As I chuckle I read another part of the message: THIS WILL BE THE LAST REUNION.


By the time another few years have passed I may still be enjoying the passing scenery. But I think I will have seen enough high school to last a lifetime


© Jim Reed 2024 A.D.