GONE: Power Rangers for Christ Child Center on the Bessemer Superhighway
Honest! It was there for years, each time I drove from Arkadelphia to the
Fairgrounds for the monthly flea market. Where is it now?
I loved it for its name.
GONE: Hawthorn Gallery on Third Avenue North
Then you saw it, then you didn’t. Keith disappeared in a cloud of remorse.
Did he ever look back?
GONE: Five-dollar overtime parking citations.
Poof! Suddenly, it’s a $30 fine if you spend money Downtown for more than
two hours. Doesn’t the City need that extra shopping dough?
Do the folks who passed the ordinance even know what it’s like to park and shop
GONE: Safari Cup on Richard Arrington Boulevard/21st Street North
What th–? Overnight, Dave pulls up stakes, says no good-byes, and heads Up
Yonder to Neverland. Whazzup?
Did we Downtown loyalists mean anything to him?
GONE: Tony’s Terrific Hot Dogs on Second Avenue North. Tony’s was real,
simple,direct, efficient and plain-dealing. What more could you ask of a
diner? No pretentions, just good quickie lunch fixes.
Does Tony still mix the sauce in his dreams?
GONE: Birmingham Magazine. Joe O’Donnell was Birmingham Magazine.
Do the Chamber folks realize this or even care?
GONE: Saturday afternoon live music from the Metropolitan Opera in New York.
WBHM lost a lot of supporters, who subsequently started donating their money
to the live theatre broadcasts. No-one was polled or asked–WBHM just dropped
the broadcasts, ignoring their base and dismissing their first-years promises to
those who campaigned to establish the station in the first place.
Years of support and goodwill gone for good.
GONE: The guys at Catch-Out Corner
Where are they now?
Is their disappearance good for us but bad for them?
STILL BOOKING AFTER ALL THESE YEARS: Reed Books Antiques/The Museum of Fond Memories is still going strong 29 years later. Come cherish us now, just in case we are suddenly teleported away one day. www.jimreedbooks.com