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Life, actually…
As a big-hearted and lovely region of the country, My Down South manages to escape some of the steamrolling distractions that chase the day-to-day quest for peace and quiet and smooth sailing I hunger for.
As Mister Cool himself, Ferris, said, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”
Noticing can make my day a tiny bit better.
I discard most of my random thoughts as being, well, random. Random and useless. But now and then I listen to the Voices, just to see if anything new vies for attention.
For instance, it feels good to believe what it is convenient to believe, even if it is fake. No joke. This is a thought deserving a second take. Quick, before it sinks: Sometimes it is good to believe something just because it is convenient and pleasant, even though deep inside I know it to be temporary and rather worthless.
Another passing fancy: Today is the day when happening almost happens. You know, what I want to happen, what I am certain will happen, simply does not happen—at least for today. I can live with that.
This could be that day when the mind organizes my activities, but Reality has its own plot. After ages of hand-wringing over this idea, I have finally learned, SO WHAT? Maybe my plans are great, maybe they are laughable. Life will go on and I will survive until survival runs out of juice.
It is a fine sunny afternoon, beautiful fluffy bottom-darkened clouds hover like giant spaceships in a dream. Why don’t I look up and thrust aside my dread and angst and just enjoy a moment of Down South blue sky? Couldn’t hurt, could it?
So when I stop and look around, what if nothing happens? What if looking around produces nothing at all? When I think like this I not only miss something important, I miss everything important.
So I gaze at the passing road to see what I am missing.
As I whiz by and see concrete pilings abutting wild grass knolls pushing up against the barren trees of winter, I glimpse a split second of immortality. The beauty of the Earth is all around me. Why am I not noticing this all day every day?
I take a deep breath or several. I turn my head in directions to which it is unaccustomed. I see things I cannot judge. I snapshot everything around me for later examination.
My day’s work awaits me.
Big Bother no longer has a hold on me.
Big Bother may return but I’ll be prepared this time
© 2025 A.D. by Jim Reed